Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stem Cell ( Engish Version )

Why Ginseng Flower Stem Cell Extract?

Ginseng Flower Stem Cell Concentrate 

The New Trend Of Skin Beauty

Anti-Aging Skin Science
Ginseng Flower Cell Concentrate
Supreme Grade


Remarkable Skin Benefits: 
Active Skin Cell, Skin Aging, Skin Elastic,
Prevent Wrinkles, Reduce Pigmentation, 
Anti-Free Radical And Many Many More…

Nowaday, our skin tends to damage easily due to environmental pollution, UV exposure, harsh weather, pathogens, stress and unhealthy lifestyles, which resulting to aging, wrinkle, dull skin, pigmentation, dark freckles, dark skin and weakened immune systems. 

These stem cells protect the skin’s collagen by destroying the enzymes and free radicals brought on by these aggressors to destroy it; and also encourage the fibroblasts to produce healthy new collagen.  The aging of human body, appearance of wrinkles are the result of aging and reduction in cells.  Stem cells are responsible for a variety of tissue replacements.  They act as the factory for the production of human cells.  The aging of cell populations weakens their ability to add value and to differentiate.  Inadequate replenishment of new cells will result in aged cells.  Wrinkles will set in and you will lose your youthful appearance.

With the latest of bio-preparation on cell-activation by using the bio-technology, it helps to:
·                     ·         promote metabolism
·                     ·         protect skin dryness
·                     ·         prevent anti-aging
·                     ·         preserve and restore our youthful look

It resulting to achieve the healthy, fair and delicate skins.

Ginseng Flower Stem Cells refer to all tissue and internal organs of living things that are in their original source of congenital undifferentiated state.  Similar to that of animals, plants also contain stem cells.

As a result, plants can grow, generate and can sustain for thousands of years.  Plant stem cells comprise of cellular tissues with the permanent vitality related to plant growth.  This is the plant source of vitality.

Plant stem cell science features a proprietary bio-technology process that allows for the selection and reproduction of antioxidant rich plant stem cells in the lab, without the use of soil.

The plant stem cells come from the buds, young roots and shoots of plants.  These cells contain photochemicals like plants hormones, minerals and vitamins.  These provide natural ways to strengthen the body’s immune system against stress.

The active plant stem cell contain essential nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates and other minerals that help protect the skin.  The stem cells can do some renewal or reconstructing of scarred skin due to infections thereby producing new skin to replace old skin.

Treatment with stem cells will trigger self-healing, regulate and replenish deceased cells.  It activates the functions of cell, enhances the number of normal cells, and increases the activity of good cells in human body.  A type of intervention strategy that introduces plant stem cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury.

The ability of stem cells to self-renew and give rise to subsequent generations with variable degrees of differentiation capacities, offers significant potential for generation of tissues that can potentially replace diseased and damaged cells in the body, with minimal risk of rejection and side effects.  Therefore, improves in cell quality and normal physiological functions of cells are restored by combating and delay aging.

Strong recommended the use of Ginseng Flower Stem Cells to the skin, clinically proven and compare to other plant stem cells, the effect is faster.

·                     ·         Eliminate Skin Dullness
·                     ·         Moisturizing and Whitening
·                     ·         Softer,  Fairer and Subtle Skin
·                     ·         Smooth and Delicate Feel
·                     ·         Reduces Pigmentation and Blemishes
·                     ·         Less Visible Fine Lines and Pores
·                     ·         Improve Skin Generative Ability
·                     ·         Firmer Overall Skin
·                     ·         Skin Lightening On Scars and Spot
·                     ·         Protects Longevity On Skin Cells
·                     ·         Increase Skin Immune Function

Ginseng Flower Stem Cell is a liposomal preparation based on the stem cell Panax Ginseng cultivated for its remarkable longevity storage.  Thanks to this technology, the remarkable benefits of these plant stem cell solution also contains extract that has exceptional emollient properties.
This innovation skin science protects and preserves the youthful look and vitality of your skin and thus is the first and truly unique third-generation antioxidant ensuring multi-phase protection through radical scavenging and maximization of skin self defense system.

For Symptoms:
·                     ·         Dark, dry and rough skin
·                     ·         Deep wrinkles
·                     ·         Pigmentation
·                     ·         Open pores

Ginseng extract (stem cell), deionized water, glycerin, VE, triglycerides and collagen.

Recommended Application
Apply 1 to 2 drops each time on to the skin or tap on the spot area. 
Twice daily (morning and evening) after cleansing of face.  
About a week to see the effect.
Use within 6-10 days after opening.
Store in cool dry place.
For external use only.

Suitable for all skin type.

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